
Item details - Swarm Overmind Tertius

Swarm Overmind Tertius
A deadly rogue drone controlled by a Rogue Swarm AI classified as an 'Overmind Tertius'. This entity is the guiding intelligence of the local rogue drone infestation and its destruction is a priority.

These commanders are paramount among the Swarm Infestation's network of advanced AIs. The Swarm Overmind Tertius is a heavily-armed, powerful war drone but will still deploy its slaved rogue drones until such defenders are eliminated.

Only when forced to expose itself in order to preserve the nest will this supreme intelligence emerge from its lair.
Cargo capacity 950 m3
Mass 21,000,000 kg
Volume 1010000 m3
Baseprice 0 ISK
13 queries SQL time 0.0084s, Total time 0.0180s

EVE+ theme by Vecati