
Item details - Loggerhead

"Technology is a wonderful thing and once you embrace it, you don't look back. Take me. I'm auged up to the eyeballs. That speech impediment I used to have? Neurovocal implant took care of that. I tried working on it but didn't have the time. Too busy with the restructure, new technologies, planning megaheists and all the rest of it.

"What? Oh, yeah, listen. S-s-see what, I m-m-mean? I can edit it back in any time I like. It's my party piece, when I have drinks with the OG. Reminds them of the old days. But anyway, back to technology. We live for it, we're at the cutting edge. And we make it ourselves. We don't nick it, like the Angels. What? Fatal? You're asking about that? OK, look that's enough. Interview's over."

– Korako 'The Rabbit' Kosakami, interview with Ret Gloriaxx of the Scope's Galactic Hour with Ret Gloriaxx

Caldari Carrier bonuses (per skill level):
4 % bonus to all shield resistances

Gallente Carrier bonuses (per skill level):
5 % bonus to Remote Shield Booster amount

Role Bonus:
Can fit a Triage module
Can use two Command Burst modules
5 x penalty to Entosis Link duration
50 % reduction in CPU requirements for Command Burst modules
200 % bonus to Command Burst area of effect range
1000 % bonus to Logistics Drone transfer amount and hitpoints

Cargo capacity 2600 m3
Mass 1,300,000,000 kg
Volume 15500000 m3
Baseprice 0 ISK
All kills

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EVE+ theme by Vecati