Freelancer Union Forum

CCP Announcements => Patch Notes => Topic started by: CCP on March 11, 2025, 03:33:57 am

Title: Patch Notes - Version 22.01
Post by: CCP on March 11, 2025, 03:33:57 am
Patch Notes - Version 22.01



The following page will list patch notes for all updates within this release (Version 22.01). We invite you to join the player discussion about the content of this release on EVE Online forums:

Initial Release Date: 2024-06-11
Last update: 2024-11-05

🤝 - Indicates a change inspired by the player's feedback or suggestions.

Patch Notes for 2024-10-30.1

Features & Changes:


Structures & Deployables

Defect Fixes:


Patch Notes for 2024-10-30.1

Features & Changes:


Alliance Tournament XX has concluded; congratulations to this year's winners, "The Tuskers Co.".

The following has been updated with the conclusion of the event:

Patch Notes for 2024-10-29.1

Features & Changes:


Defect Fixes:


Patch Notes for 2024-10-24.1

Features & Changes:


Missions and NPCs:

Defect Fixes:




Patch Notes for 2024-10-22.1

Defect Fixes:


Patch Notes for 2024-10-17.1

Features & Changes:

Missions & NPCs:

Patch Notes for 2024-10-10.1

Features & Changes:


Science & Industry:

Patch Notes for 2024-10-8.1

Defect Fixes:




Patch Notes for 2024-10-3.1

Features & Changes:



Defect Fixes:


Patch Notes for 2024-10-2.1

Features & Changes:

User Interface:


Defect Fixes:


Patch Notes for 2024-10-1.1

Features & Changes:


skyhook chart

Patch Notes for 2024-09-24.1

Features & Changes:

Missions & NPCs:



Defect Fixes:


Patch Notes for 2024-09-19.1

Features & Changes:

In Yesterday's patch, we reduced the inputs and outputs of the Genetic Safeguard, Genetic Lock Preserver, Genetic Structure Repairer and Genetic Mutation Inhibitor blueprints by a factor of 20, but did not change the blueprint manufacturing or copying attributes, which may have unintentionally throttled the construction of these items more on job time. We are, therefore, making the following changes:


Defect Fixes:

User Interface:

Patch Notes for 2024-09-18.1

Features & Changes:


LP Stores:




Pirate Space

System Security Rating

Major Threat Detection Array 1

Major Threat Detection Array 2

0.0 to -0.25

2x Hub

3x Hidden Hub (+1)

2x Forsaken Hub (+1)

3x Hub

3x Hidden Hub (+1)

2x Forsaken Hub

2x Forlorn Hub

1x Haven

-0.25 to -0.45

2x Hub

2x Hidden Hub (+1)

2x Forsaken Hub (+1)

1x Forlorn Hub

2x Hub

3x Hidden Hub

2x Forsaken Hub

2x Forlorn Hub

2x Haven

-0.45 to -0.65

2x Hidden Hub

2x Forsaken Hub

2x Forlorn Hub (+1)

1x Haven

3x Hidden Hub

3x Forsaken Hub (+1)

3x Forlorn Hub

3x Haven

-0.65 to -0.85

2x Hidden Hub (+1)

2x Forsaken Hub

2x Forlorn Hub (+1)

2x Haven

2x Hidden Hub

2x Forsaken Hub

2x Forlorn Hub

4x Haven

2x Sanctum

-0.85 to -1.0

3x Forsaken Hub (+1)

2x Forlorn Hub

2x Haven

1x Sanctum

3x Forsaken Hub

2x Forlorn Hub

5x Haven

2x Sanctum

Drone Space

System Security Rating

Major Threat Detection Array 1

Major Threat Detection Array 2

0.0 to -0.25

4x Drone Herd (+1)

3x Drone Squad (+1)

5x Drone Herd

5x Drone Squad (+1)

1x Drone Patrol

-0.25 to -0.45

3x Drone Herd (+1)

4x Drone Squad (+1)

4x Drone Herd

4x Drone Squad

3x Drone Patrol

-0.45 to -0.65

5x Drone Squad (+1)

2x Drone Patrol

5x Drone Squad (+1)

6x Drone Patrol

1x Drone Horde

-0.65 to -0.85

4x Drone Squad (+1)

4x Drone Patrol (+1)

2x Drone Squad

6x Drone Patrol

4x Drone Horde

-0.85 to -1.0

3x Drone Squad (+1)

4x Drone Patrol

1x Drone Horde

1x Drone Squad

7x Drone Patrol

5x Drone Horde

User Interface:

Patch Notes for 2024-09-17.1

Features & Changes:


Defect Fixes:



Homefront Operations:

User Interface:

Patch Notes for 2024-09-12.1

Features & Changes:


Patch Notes for 2024-09-11.1

Features & Changes:


Defect Fixes:



Patch Notes for 2024-09-10.1

Defect Fixes:


Horizon Siege Point

Patch Notes for 2024-09-09.1

Features & Changes:

Homefront Operations:


Defect Fixes:

Homefront Operations:

Patch Notes for 2024-09-05.1

Features & Changes:


Patch Notes for 2024-09-03.1

Features & Changes:

Deepflow Rift:

Defect Fixes:

Deepflow Rift:

User Interface:

Patch Notes for 2024-08-28.1

Features & Changes:

SKINR - New Feature: Sharing Saved Designs

Defect Fixes:


User Interface:

Patch Notes for 2024-08-27.1

Features & Changes:

Homefront Operations:

Abyssal Artifact Recovery sites have been overhauled:


Defect Fixes:


Homefront Operations:

Patch Notes for 2024-08-22.1

Defect Fixes:




User Interface:

Patch Notes for 2024-08-20.1

Features & Changes:


Defect Fixes:

User Interface:

Patch Notes for 2024-08-15.1

Features & Changes:



Patch Notes for 2024-08-07.2

Defect Fixes:


Patch Notes for 2024-08-01.1

Defect Fixes:


Patch Notes for 2024-07-31.1

Defect Fixes:


Patch Notes for 2024-07-30.1

Features & Changes:

Project Discovery:

The release of Project Discovery Phase Four!

Patch Notes for 2024-07-25.1

Features & Changes:

Corporation Projects:



Daily Goals:

Paragon Services:

We will monitor the effect this has on the Daily Goals, Paragon HUB and SKINR market and continue to adjust and balance this as we've been doing with everything else that launched with Equinox.


User Interface:

Defect Fixes:


User Interface:

Patch Notes for 2024-07-23.1

Features & Changes:

NES (item & price):

Patch Notes for 2024-07-18.1

Features & Changes:

Mining Upgrades:

🤝 We're making several adjustments to the mining sites provided by the new Equinox sovereignty upgrades based on player and CSM feedback over the last few weeks. We're increasing the quantity of ore available in all of the sites, especially for the Zydrine and Megacyte Prospecting Array upgrades which competed with the existing colossal asteroid cluster site the most directly. We're also combining many of the smaller asteroids in all of the sites so that the size of each asteroid is large enough to take multiple cycles from strip miners to mine out. We're also completely overhauling the mining escalation by making it far more likely for players to get the escalation, more than doubling it in size and replacing the existing asteroids with Spodumain, Abyssal Asteroids and Mercoxit. So it will now be vastly more exciting and the most rewarding mining site in the game.

Combat Upgrades:

🤝 We're making a few tweaks to the combat upgrades provided by the Minor and Major Threat Detection Arrays. Firstly, we're greatly decreasing the maximum possible respawn time for the sites spawned from their upgrades from 20 minutes to 12 minutes. For context, the old sovereignty upgrade sites respawned between 20 to 12 minutes based on the level of upgrade that spawned them, for an average respawn time of 16 minutes. This now means that there is no single case where a site from the old system could respawn faster than the same site in the new system, and the maximum possible respawn time is now 25% faster than the old average respawn time before you even factor in the improved respawning logic that the new sites use - where the time the site was spawned is used to determine the respawning time, rather than when the site was completed. Additionally, we're also increasing the number of combat sites provided by most upgrades by 1, and also increasing the expiration time for the new capital focused escalations based on feedback we got from players struggling to complete or sell them in time due to fatigue/logistics of moving capitals.