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Calling for Experts for the Sixth Alliance Tournament

Started by FeedBot, December 04, 2008, 09:00:03 pm

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Calling for Experts for the Sixth Alliance Tournament

<p><!--  --></p>
<h2>The Sixth Alliance Tournament is finally on its way!</h2>
<p>...and we're looking once again to recruit from the player base a team of experts/commentators to appear on the Eve TV broadcast.</p>
<p>You'll be flown out to Reykjavik Iceland to join the team here at the CCP headquarters to help us run the show during the live broadcast of the final weekend. Flights (from all <a title="Iceland Air" href="http://www.icelandair.com/" target="_blank">Icelandair</a> destinations) and accommodation are supplied by us. All you need is a little spending money and several layers of coats!</p>
<p>So you're interested? Next step is to check this short list and make sure you match what we're looking for!</p>
<li>Can you come out and play? Selected experts will need to hold a valid passport (proof will be required at a later stage) and be available to fly to Iceland for the tournament dates: Feb 5th - Feb 9th inclusive, as well as available to commentate live from their home on the non video broadcast qualifiers on the 24<sup>th,</sup> 25<sup>th</sup>, as well as the &nbsp;31<sup>st</sup> of January and the 1st of February.</li>
<li>A sense of humour is a must: Experts will need to be sharp-witted, knowledgeable, presentable and comfortable with talking on camera and into a microphone. To greater the chances of getting through, we highly recommend submitting any pre-made or purpose built video you have of yourself (or a link to a YouTube clip) as part of your application.</li>
<li>You need to know your PvP: We don't despise industrialists, mission-runners and miners but as this is a PvP tournament, you need to be well versed.</li>
<p>If you are interested in taking part, please email us at evetv@ccpgames.com by downtime on the 7<sup>th</sup> of December with the following information. Those lucky enough to be selected for the second round of eliminations must be available to attend voice chat interviews on the 14<sup>th</sup> of December. The chosen experts will be announced by the 19<sup>th</sup> of December.</p>
<li>Character and Real name.</li>
<li>Date of birth.</li>
<li>Nationality and current country of residence.</li>
<li>Tell us about yourself, both in game and out. Remember what your applying for and sell yourself to that effect.</li>
<li>Confirm you are available on February 5,6,7,8 and 9th. If you need to book time off work / school please don't do it until we accept you but please check that it is possible, if there is any doubt here please let us know.</li>
<li>Remember your applying to be on TV! Include any multimedia you think shows you off (audio, video clips)!</li>
<p>Remember applications close on the 7th of December! So get mailing!</p>
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