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The Great 1 vs 1 league

Started by [FUN] Daddyhotep Kanin, June 02, 2008, 02:19:17 pm

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[FUN] Daddyhotep Kanin

June 02, 2008, 02:19:17 pm Last Edit: June 03, 2008, 12:49:32 am by Daddyhotep Kanin
                          Driva's Intergalactic Used Wrecks pub & grill
                                   proudly presents
               the 8th installation of the annual 1 vs 1 League!

The setting:

LSC4 is way to calm these days so now its time to go fight each other for FUN (and perhaps some small profit) in 1 vs 1 fights out in LSC!
A league will start up after downtime the 2nd of june and continue for 3 weeks, each week with some additional feature added, until the grand finale after the 3 weeks, where the top 4 pilots will fight it out to see who's number one.

The Rules - how do you join?

   Its really easy! 
You read this post, set up your ships according to the rules, register your self +
donate  to the prize-pot on the correct forum thread  and then you're ready to roll!

Even if the rules may look extensive, they are really very easy - have a look!

To join you have to read and follow the rules, show good sportmanship and,
before your first battle, register your self + donate something ( by posting in the "Prizes!" post on this forum)

Who can join? If your part of our alliance or DOGMA - YOU can join!

The Rules - Time / dates

   A)                The league start on June the 2nd after dt and will finish at dt Monday
                               June the 23th.
   B)                The finals ( with the top four pilots) will take place after that the
                       league are finished on date that will be announced later.
   C)                The league are divided in 3 weeks, hereafter called "week 1", "week
                               2", and "week 3".
   D)                 During week 1, 2 and 3 its allowed with frig vs frig battles.
   E)                 During week 2 and 3 but NOT during week one its allowed with
                       cruiser vs cruiser battles.

The Rules - General rules

   A)                Good sportmanship is the most important!
   B)                Having fun is the second important!
   C)                All fights take place in LSC4.
   D)                All fights take place outside station, or at a POS / safespot.
                      The fighters decide where to fight before each fight.
   E)                Each pilot may fight each other pilot maximum TWICE each week
                      for each ship type allowed*.
   F)                The LOOSER of each battle will report the result to the correct thread
                       in the forum, done in such as way that is described on the header on
                      that forum post.
   G)                Each battle fought will give points according to this: 
                   Winner    3 points
                   Looser     1 point   
                   Draw       0.5point / each
          H)              Daddyhotep will update the score/points quite often but also during
                      quite random times during the three weeks the league runs.
   I)                Each CHARACTER are welcome to participate, with this additional
                             rules: you can never fight your own characters and each of your
                            characters will have their own points / ranking.
   J)               You may not fight your regulated number of fights earlier or later than
                     during the correct week.
   K)               A fight is won when the other ship explodes OR warps away.
   L)               This league are only open to Alliance members (FUN and others).
          M)               When the league starts, no "training" or "out of league" fights are
                            allowed, at least its not very sportmanshiply to do so. Before the
                            league starts, its of course more than fine to test set-ups! =)

The Rules - ships & fights

    A)              There are two Classes of ships allowed: Frigates and Cruisers.
   B)              All fights are either Frigate vs Frigate or Cruiser vs Cruiser.
   C)              Frigates vs Frigates are allowed on week 1, 2 and 3 of the league.
   D)              Cruisers vs Cruisers are ONLY allowed on week 2 and week 3.
   E)              No intentional podding.
   F)              All ammo/drones used must be tech 1 / no-name.
   G)              Even if SMARTBOMBS are allowed, you should be careful when
                     using them, since podding is not allowed.

   A)             All no-faction tech 1 frigates are allowed, from tier 1 to tier 3.
   B)             No rigs allowed.
   C)             All modules fitted must be no-named tech 1.
                   ( aka, no tech 2, no faction, no "named ones")
   D)             No EW - electronic warfare - what so ever are allowed.
   E)             ...with the exception of WEBIFIERS and TARGET PAINTERS.
   F)            Frigate vs frigate fights are allowed week 1, 2 and 3 of the league.

   A)            All no-faction tech 1 cruisers are allowed, from tier 1 to tier 3.
   B)            No rigs allowed.
    C)            All modules fitted must be no-named tech 1.
                  ( aka, no tech 2, no faction, no "named ones")
    D)            No EW - electronic warfare - what so ever are allowed.
    E)            ...with the exception of WEBIFIERS and TARGET PAINTERS.
The above applies to tier 1-3 Cruisers (all allowed cruisers)
The below ( F- I) applies ONLY to tier 1 and tier 2 cruisers.

   F)                 These extra rules (F- I) are for tier 1and tier 2 cruisers only.
                              They are here in order to make the different kinds of cruisers
                       attractive for the fights, and not just the tier 3 ones.
   G)                You may fit one (1) single non-web, non-target painter EW
                      module on your cruiser if it is a tier 1 or tier 2 cruiser.
   H)                You may fit one (1) single NAMED, FACTION or TECH 2 module
                              on your cruiser if its a tier 1 or tier 2 cruiser.
   I)                 You may combine rule G) and H), but you may not break either of
                              these rules.

The Rules - ranking

   A)                 Each fight, either its a frig vs frig or a cruiser vs cruiser, will
                               give the winner 3 points and the looser 1 point.
    B)                 The looser of each fight will report the fight. This is done on the
                       forum according to the rules for the relevant thread.
   C)                 Ranking will be updated as often as Daddyhotep feels like it, got
                               time and probably at a few other times more than that.
   D)                 When the league ends, the top four (4) pilots will be declared
                        winners, and will continue to the Grand Finale in order to
                       fight over the prize pot.

The dates:

   League start: 2nd of june - after dt.

   League stop: 23th of june - at dt.

   Week 1 start at 2nd of june, ends at 9th of June, at dt.
      ( only frig vs frig)         
   Week 2 start at 9th of june after dt, ends at 16th of june, after dt.
      ( frig vs frig and cruiser vs cruiser)     
   Week 3 start at 16th of june, after dt, ends at 23th at dt.
      (frig vs frig and cruiser vs cruiser)                 

   Final: to be announced later.

Boring stuff:   
          A) IF someone would make the mistake to fight more battles than
              allowed or such, your points will be set to zero ( 0 ).
   B) If any situation rise that the rules dont cover, see rule C) below.
          C) mr Driva will decide on a whim whats correct and whats not.
   D) Hey, is that correct? 
   E) Yeah, mr Driva asks you to find the answer to that question - and
              regarding other questions of fairness and so on - under rule section
              "boring stuff - C)"   Have a nice day!   =)
   F) ..but hopefully there will be no use of boring stuff what so ever
           during this leauge! =)

Le grande finale:

   When the league are finished the top four ( 4) pilots will meet each other in
a grand finale for the glorious First price, the Largest Looser award, (second prize)
the Steadfast third price (think t-shirt) and the easy-to-forget 4th place prize!

Rules and regulations, time, place and date for the finals will be posted at a Later Date. 

Regarding the point system/week system:

   The points system make sure that you benefit from being a good player
          and win your fights, but it also make sure that active players stand a
    good change ending up with one of spots for the final! In fact, its
   possible - if not likely - that you can get a spot in the finals without
   winning a single fight!

  Welcome &
  the best of luck to all of you!

   / Daddyhotep

* To clarify: you and me might fight 2 fights the first week - both with frig vs frig.
The second week we might fight 4 fights - two with frig vs frig and two with cruiser vs cruiser.
The third week we may also fight 4 fights, two with frig vs frig, and two with cruiser vs cruiser.
In total we may fight each other maximum 10 times in total during the league.
And in total you're allowed to fight each other pilot maximum ten times total. If you dont fight all allowed fights the first/ second weeks you're NOT allowed to "save" them for later. 

[FUN] Daddyhotep Kanin

Some Q & A to help clarify some questionmarks regarding the 1 vs 1 leauge:

Q: When can I fight? Do I have to fight at some particular time?

A: Nope, as long as you follow the above rules, you are free to arrange your fights at any time.

Q: Do you or some judge or someone else have to be around in order to watch, judge or just generaly make sure "everything goes according to the rules" when we fight?

A: Nope, we're gentlemen and we thrust each other here - you and your opponent fight and then the loosing gentleman (or gentlewoman!) report the result. There's no need for me, judges or others to watch - even if it of course are OK to watch fights, since thats FUN!

Q: Won't this be very expensive for me, if I loose many fights/ships?
A: Well, hopefully not - to start with the ships are not very expensive, especially not the frigates and you can insure them to and above their value.

Q: Do I have to use the exact same ship/fitting for each fight? May I change ships/fittings between fights/opponents?
A: Yes, you may change ships and fittings between fights/opponents.
But, as a Gentleman you should of course not use this to gain edges vs your opponent, for example by redocking to change ships when you've seen what your opponent use in order to get another ship/fitting to better fight him/her.
Otherwise its more than OK to fit several different ships/set-ups - part of this is of course to have lots of FUN but its also a casual and friendly way to learn more of PVP!

Q: What happens if a hostile gang enters system and we have to abort the fight? ( and similar situations)
A: You can either decide to get out of the fight, and resume it later, from the beginning or you can finish it first, depending on where in system you are.

Q: What about gangbonuses?
A: The best way to solve this is by that both of your are in the same gang - this both make sure that you get the exact same bonuses (no matter if they are high or low) and that you also got a perfectly good communication channel to wish each other gl and gf before the battle!

Q: I would like to join but Im new to PVP and not sure if I stand a change to get to the finals.
A: Well... to start with you'll learn lots about PVP if you join in - and regarding your chance to get to the finals the point system will help you a lot there, since you get points for EACH match you fight, not just the ones you win.

Q: What will happen with the prize pot, how/will it be divided?
A: Exact rules regarding this will be posted when its needed - at same time as rules for the finals - but for now you can be informed that everything will be put in a large pot, and when the finals are over the finalists will pick prizes, one after another, 'til everything is divided. The overall winner will get most/best/first picks, but even the "last" one in the finals (number #4) will get his or her fair share of goodies.

Q: I would like to join, but it feels quite expensive to do so, do I have to give such nice things as the people that already signed up?
A: It's mighty nice that people are so generously since that makes for a nice prize pot, but you are free to join in even if you'd decide to give, say, a shuttle or ten units of tritanium. Give what you can afford / feel like donating and that will be more than al right! We do this becuse its FUN, not to mandantory bleed ourselves!

Q: At what distance should we start the fights? 0 km? 20km? Random?
A: That do you decide when you arrange and agree to fight with your opponent. If you cant agree, find a safespot,both bookmark a container there, warp of  and then you count to 3, and then both warp in, from random planets/belts/ss's to the container at a distance of MAXIMUM 20km. That way you'll end up, quite randomly at zero to 40km from each other.  And if you agree to other agreements how you should solve the distance/how to start the fight: fine, thats great too!

Q: Is it possible to join a few days later than the 2nd of june?
A: Sure, no problems. As long as you join the first week you got full chances to "use" that week to its full, and its possible for you to join even later, even if might be a bit tough to catch up after that the first week ended.

Q: Who can join? Do I need to be part of this or that corp or alliance?
A: The leauge is open to members of both UNAFFILIATED or DOGMA  - later leagues might be open for more/other corp/alliances but for now its for these two alliances.

Hope this help to clarify some of the questions thats been asked - gl to all of you, and see you in a frig!

array(6) { [0]=> array(3) { ["file"]=> string(48) "/home/ugvdmln/freelancerunion/Sources/Errors.php" ["line"]=> int(290) ["function"]=> string(9) "log_error" } [1]=> array(3) { ["file"]=> string(74) "/home/ugvdmln/freelancerunion/Themes/Lunarfall_v0.6.5/Display.template.php" ["line"]=> int(941) ["function"]=> string(17) "smf_error_handler" } [2]=> array(3) { ["file"]=> string(74) "/home/ugvdmln/freelancerunion/Themes/Lunarfall_v0.6.5/Display.template.php" ["line"]=> int(280) ["function"]=> string(20) "template_single_post" } [3]=> array(3) { ["file"]=> string(46) "/home/ugvdmln/freelancerunion/Sources/Load.php" ["line"]=> int(2498) ["function"]=> string(13) "template_main" } [4]=> array(3) { ["file"]=> string(46) "/home/ugvdmln/freelancerunion/Sources/Subs.php" ["line"]=> int(3279) ["function"]=> string(15) "loadSubTemplate" } [5]=> array(3) { ["file"]=> string(39) "/home/ugvdmln/freelancerunion/index.php" ["line"]=> int(154) ["function"]=> string(6) "obExit" } } Error loop.